Phòng thí nghiệm Hành động & Nhận thức
Action & Cognition Laboratory

The Action and Cognition Laboratory specializes in cognitive neuroscience, focusing on motor actions and cognitive aging. Our research integrates behavioral and brain imaging techniques to understand motor skill learning, the impact of exercise on cognitive functions and their aging, and the dynamics between cognitive representations and motor actions in various consciousness states.


Central to our research is the development of a comprehensive brain and cognitive function database, in collaboration with industry partners. This database, analyzed through machine learning and big data techniques, aims to monitor and predict cognitive function changes, particularly as early indicators of abnormal aging.

We employ information theory to quantify and compare cognitive functions across different tasks. This approach standardizes performance indicators, allowing for more accurate cross-functional comparisons. Specifically, we focus on cognitive aging, where we analyze task performance time under varying difficulties to understand the effects of aging on different cognitive domains.

Another key project is the brain and cognitive function health check system. This system, built on a deep learning framework, predicts standardized test performance for new participants based on limited information. The system's development will enable cognitive and brain function assessment across various adult age groups.

Our laboratory also investigates the relationship between physical activity and cognitive function. We've studied the effects of aerobic exercise of different intensities on executive functions like task switching, inhibition, and updating. Findings indicate that moderate-intensity exercise offers more substantial benefits to physical fitness and certain cognitive abilities than low-intensity regimes. These insights guide the design of exercise programs for cognitive enhancement.

We also delve into the factors influencing motor learning processes. Our research has shown that the continuity of feedback, rather than its sensory source, plays a crucial role in learning retention. This finding is pivotal in understanding how best to structure learning and feedback for effective skill acquisition and long-term application.

Moreover, we explore inhibitory functions and brain mechanisms in realistic scenarios. Utilizing simultaneous fMRI and EEG recordings, we've developed realistic battlefield sniper task scenarios to study inhibitory functions. This innovative approach allows us to observe cognitive and brain responses in complex, real-world settings, providing insights into how the brain responds to realistic vs. abstract tasks.

In summary, the Action and Cognition Laboratory is committed to advancing our understanding of the interplay between physical activity, cognitive functions, and aging. Through a multidisciplinary approach, we aim to uncover the mechanisms underlying cognitive processes and develop applications to enhance cognitive health and performance across different life stages.


Principal Investigator: Associate Professor Erik Chih-Hung Chang
Lab Website: Go to >>
Phone: (03) 4227151 # 65209