[Seminar Spring 2016] 02/23 Seminar Announcement :::


Title: Ultra-fast functional magnetic resonance imaging and its’ applications
Speaker: Dr. Kevin Wen-Kai Tsai (蔡文凱博士)
Time: 2016/02/23 (Tuesday) 14:00-16:00
Venue: NCU S4 209 Lecture Hall (中央大學 科學四館 209室)
Abstract: Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) using blood-oxygen-level-depentdent (BOLD) contrast has become a prevailing method to study human brain function non-invasively. Conventionally fMRI signal is recorded by EPI sequence with about 0.5 Hz sampling rate and whole brain coverage. With advances in radio-frequency (RF) receiver coil technology, the feasibility of accelerating MRI data sampling rate via simultaneous data acquisition from multiple channels of an RF coil array and the associated image reconstruction algorithms in either image-space or k-space has been successfully demonstrated. MR inverse imaging (InI) is an extreme variant of such a parallel MRI strategy: using highly parallel detection, dynamic images with the associated statistical maps can be obtained at the 100 ms temporal resolution using minimal gradient encoding for 3D volumetric imaging. In this talk I would like to give you a brief introduction about the principle of InI, and followed by some empirical results revealed by InI to delineate the primary and higher-order brain activities. In the end of this talk I would like to share some potential benefits of InI on some applications with naturalistic stimuli.