The Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience of National Central University in Taiwan invites applicants for a tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant Professor level or above to begin February 1st, 2022, with the possibility to start later until the position is filled. We are seeking an outstanding individual with expertise in experimental studies of cognitive neuroscience. The successful applicant should demonstrate a firm commitment to excellence in research and teaching.
1. Specialization:
a. Applicants in all subfields of cognitive neuroscience are welcomed to apply.
b. Applicants with the specialties in interdisciplinary research, and/or have extensive experience in applying cognitive neuroscience to practice (e.g., educational or clinical settings, industrial fields) are strongly encouraged to apply.
c. Applicants need to be equipped with the abilities to teach courses at graduate and undergrad levels in English. The ability to teach courses in Chinese and previous teaching experience are desirable but not required.
2. Requirements:
a. Applicants should have a Ph.D. or an equivalent degree in the fields related to cognitive neuroscience and/or to cognitive psychology.
b. Applicants should have a strong record of experimental research.
c. Applicants should have the ability to teach courses at graduate and undergrad levels in English.
Interested candidates should submit a cover letter, a curriculum vitae (including two referees with contact information), a photocopy of certified diplomas and/or certificates, a list of selected publications, as well as the statements of teaching philosophy and research directions, to the following mailing or email address:
Search Committee
Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience
College of Health Sciences and Technology
National Central University
No.300, Zhongda Rd., Zhongli District, Taoyuan City 320317, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Questions about the position should be directed to the Search Committee:
Tel: +886-3-426-3501
Fax: +886-3-426-3502
Application Deadline: 3rd September 2021
一、職 位:專任助理教授以上
1. 歡迎具認知神經科學、腦科學、人工智慧、轉譯醫學等相關領域研究專長的申請者。
2. 特別鼓勵具備從事跨領域研究之經驗和專長(例如:臨床、教育、社會神經科學等領域) 之申請者。
3. 申請者須具備以英文對研究所及大學部學生授課之能力,擁有以中文授課之能力為佳、但非必要條件。
1. 學位或教師證書影本。
2. 履歷表(含兩位推薦人聯絡資料)。
3. 著作目錄一覽表,另附代表著作影本。
4. 教學及研究計畫書。
5. 其他有助於審查之資料。
六、送件方式:即日起至110年9月3日(五)前e-mail或郵寄至「桃園市中壢區中大路300號 國立中央大學認知所 教師徵聘委員會 收」(郵戳為憑,恕不退件)
Tel: +886-3-426-3501
Fax: +886-3-426-3502