【0527 Seminar】Combined Ecog, Fmri, And Electrical Brain Stimulation :::


Title: Combined Ecog, Fmri, And Electrical Brain Stimulation: A New Era For Localization Of Functions
Speaker: Josef Parvizi MD PhD
Associate Professor
Neurology & Neurological Sciences
Stanford University Medical Center

Time: 2014/5/27 (Tuesday)
Talk: 14:00~15:30
Reception: 15:30~16:30
Location: NCU S5-101 (中央大學科五館 101 教室)

In this talk, I will present ECoG data recorded from populations of neurons in the human brain during controlled experimental condition as well as natural conditions in which subjects freely interact with their environment. I will highlight the convergence of evidence across experimental and natural conditions and will compare the ECoG data with fMRI and electrical brain stimulation data obtained from the same individuals. Evidence from this multimodal approach has given us reasons to appreciate specialization of functions in the human brain.

Professor Parvizi is the director of Stanford Human Intracranial Cognitive Electrophysiology Program (SHICEP) and the PI the Laboratory of Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology (LBCN) at Stanford University School of Medicine. His expertise is in multimodal research using electrocorticography, electrical brain stimulation, and functional imaging methods.