【學務處】109學年度畢業典禮取實體典禮 :::



國立中央大學 109學年度全校畢業典禮取消實體典禮

109 NCU Graduation Ceremony (physical ceremony cancelled)



Due to the outburst of COVID-19, there will be consideration of indoor gatherings for physical graduation ceremony. Therefore, according to the discussion of epidemic prevention meeting on 5/17, the graduation ceremony is cancelled and will be replaced by outdoor graduation installation for graduates to take picture and graduation video which will be uploaded on this website.

2.同時配合本校 5/18起校外人士不能入校,故敬請家長線上觀賞畢業影片。

To cooperate with the school policy that outsiders are not allowed to enter campus since 5/18, parents please stay tuned for the graduation video online.


Because the physical graduation ceremony on 6/5 is cancelled, there’s no need for graduation representatives and professors to participate.