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美國加州大學爾灣分校 認知心理學博士 20056  20079月)
Ph.D. in Cognitive Sciences, University of California-Irvine, USA
美國加州大學爾灣分校 認知心理學碩士 20038  20056月)
M.S. In Cognitive Sciences, University of California-Irvine, USA
美國賓州Grove City College 心理學學士(19999  20036月)
B.S. in Psychology, Grove City College, Pennsylvania State, USA


美國加州大學爾灣分校聽覺認知與腦神經實驗室博士後研究 (20079  20097月)
Postdoctoral Researcher, Auditory Cognition and Neuroimaging Laboratory, University of California-Irvine, USA


Absolute pitch, auditory psychophysics, music cognition, acoustic signal analysis, music training tasks


  • 絕對音感 (Absolute pitch) 
  • 噪音環境中聽辨表現(Hearing in noise perception) 
  • 音樂家的多感官線索整合(Multisensory integration in musicianship)
  • 音樂訓練與認知功能 (Musician training effects and cognitive ability) 
  • 音樂與語言 (Music and language) 
  • 聽覺短期與長期記憶 (Auditory working and long-term memory)



  1. Hsieh, I.H.* & Liu, J.W. (2024). Effects of Melodic Contour on Sung Speech Intelligibility in Noisy Environments in Musicians and Non-Musicians. Music Perception (in press; SCI IF = 2.18; Ranking: Q1 6/153 in Arts and Humanities-Music)
  2. Tseng, H.C. & Hsieh, I.H.* (2024). Effects of absolute pitch on brain activation and functional connectivity during hearing-in-noise perception. Cortex, 174, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cortex.2024. 02.011. (SCI IF = 4.64, Ranking: Q1 22/107 in Neuroscience-Cognitive Neuroscience)
  3. Hsieh, I.H.* & Guo, Y.J. (2023). No musician advantage in the perception of degraded-fundamental frequency speech in noisy environments. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 66(8), 2643-2655. doi: 10.1044/2023_JSLHR-22-00662. (SCI, IF = 2.674; Ranking: 21/181 (Linguistics), 13/69 (Rehabilitation))
  4. Kuo, C.Y., Liu, J.W., Wang, C.H., Juan, C.H. & Hsieh, I.H.* (2023). The role of carrier spectral composition in the perception of musical pitch. Attention, perception & psychophysics, 85(6), 2083–2099. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13414-023-02761-x (SCI: IF = 2.157, Ranking: Q1 Language and Linguistics)
  5. Hsieh, I.H.*, Tseng, H.C. & Liu, J.W. (2022). Domain-specific hearing-in-noise performance is associated with absolute pitch proficiency. Scientific Reports,12:16344. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-20869-2. (SCI, IF = 4.996; Ranking: 8/110 (Multidisciplinary Sciences))
  6. Hsieh, I.H.* & Yeh, W.T. (2021). The interaction between timescale and pitch contour at pre-attentive processing of frequency-modulated sweeps. Frontiers in Psychology: Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.637289. (SCI, IF = 2.39; Ranking: 40/137 (Psychology, Multidisciplinary))
  7. Farda, N.A., Lai, J.Y., Wang, J.C., Lee, P.Y., Liu, J.W. & Hsieh, I.H.*(2021). Sanders classification of calcaneal fractures in CT images with deep learning and differential data augmentation techniques. Injury 52(3):616-624. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2020.09.010 (SCI, IF = 2.106; Ranking: 10/75 Medicine, Emergency Medicine)).
  8. Kung, S.J., Wu, D.H., Hsu, C.H. & Hsieh, I.H.* (2020). A minimum temporal window for direction detection of frequency-modulated sweeps: A magnetoencephalography study. Frontiers in Psychology: Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, 11:389. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00389. (SCI, IF = 2.39; Ranking: 40/137 (Psychology, Multidisciplinary))
  9. Pranata, Y.D., Wang, K.C., Wang, J.C.,* Idram, I.H., Lai, J.Y., Liu, J.W. & Hsieh, I.H.* (2019). Deep learning and SURF for automated classification and detection of calcaneus fractures in CT images. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 171, 27-37. (SCI, IF = 3.338; Ranking: 19/103 (Computer Science, Theory & Methods), 34/105 (Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications))
  10. Hsieh, I.H.* & Liu, J.W. (2019). A novel signal processing approach to auditory phantom perception. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 26(1), 250-260. (SCI, IF = 3.366; Ranking: 14/85 (Psychology, Experimental), 2/13 (Psychology, Mathematical))
  11. Hsieh, I.H.*, Liu, J.W. & Liang, Z. (2018). Spectrotemporal window of binaural integration in auditory object formation. Hearing Research, 370, 155-167. (SCI, IF = 3.066; Ranking: 3/25 (Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology), 5/41 (Otorhinolaryngology))
  12. Hsieh, I.H.*, Chen, S.C. & Liu, J.W. (2018). Binaural localization of musical pitch using interaural time differences in congenital amusia. PLoS ONE, 13(9): e0204397. (SCI, IF = 3.352; Ranking: 15/64 (Multidisciplinary Sciences))
  13. Meng, J.A., Saberi, K., & Hsieh, I.H. (2016). Velocity selective networks in human cortex reveal two functionally distinct auditory motion systems. PLoS ONE, 11(6): e0157131. (SCI, IF = 3.352; Ranking: 15/64 (Multidisciplinary Sciences))
  14. Hsieh, I.H.* & Saberi, K. (2016). Imperfect pitch: Gabor’s uncertainty principle and the pitch of extremely brief sounds. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23(1), 163-171. (SCI, IF = 3.366; Ranking: 14/85 (Psychology, Experimental), 2/13 (Psychology, Mathematical))
  15. Petrosyan, A., Hsieh, I.H., Phillips, J.P. & Saberi, K. (2015). Enhanced tethered-flight duration and locomotor activity by overexpression of the human gene SOD1 in Drosophila motorneurons. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 38(1), 107-114. (SCI, IF = 1.857; Ranking: 249/292 (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology), 141/171 (Genetics & Heredity))
  16. Petrosyan, A., Goncalves, O. F., Hsieh, I.H. & Saberi, K. (2014). Improved functional abilities of the life-extended Drosophila mutant Methuselah are reversed at old age to below control levels. Age, 36(1), 213-221. (SCI, IF = 3.467; Ranking: 23/53 (Geriatrics & Gerontology))
  17. Petrosyan, A., Goncalves, O.F., Hsieh, I.H., Phillips, J.P. & Saberi, K. (2013). Enhanced optomotor efficiency by expression of the human gene superoxide dismutase primarily in Drosophila motorneurons, Journal of Neurogenetics, 27(1-2), 59-67. (SCI, IF = 1.597; Ranking: 138/171 (Genetics & Heredity), 228/261 (Neurosciences))
  18. Hsieh, I.H.*, Fillmore, P., Rong, F., Hickok, G. & Saberi, K. (2012). FM-selective networks in human auditory cortex revealed using fMRI and multivariate pattern classification. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24(9), 1896-1907. (SCI, IF = 3.953; Ranking: 97/261 (Neurosciences), 10/85 (Psychology, Experimental))
  19. Hsieh, I.H.*, Petrosyan, A., Goncalves, O.F., Hickok, G. & Saberi, K. (2011). Observer weighting of interaural cues in positive and negative envelope slopes of amplitude modulated waveforms. Hearing Research, 277(1-2), 143-151. (SCI, IF = 3.066; Ranking: 3/25 (Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology), 5/41 (Otorhinolaryngology))
  20. Hsieh, I.H., Petrosyan, A., Goncalves, O.F., Hickok, G. & Saberi K. (2010). Cross-modulation interference with lateralization of mixed-modulated waveforms. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 53(6), 1417-1428. (SCI, IF = 2.647; Ranking: 21/181 (Linguistics), 13/69 (Rehabilitation))
  21. Kayoko, O., Rong, F., Venezia, J., Matching, W., Hsieh, I.H., Saberi, K., Serences, J. T. & Hickok G. (2010). Hierarchical organization of human auditory cortex: evidence from acoustic invariance in the response to intelligible speech. Cerebral Cortex, 20(10), 2486-2495. (SCI, IF = 6.8; Ranking: 24/261 (Neurosciences))
  22. Hsieh, I.H.* & Saberi, K. (2010). Detection of sinusoidal amplitude modulation in logarithmic frequency sweeps across wide regions of the spectrum. Hearing Research, 262(1-2), 9-18. (SCI, IF = 3.066; Ranking: 3/25 (Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology), 5/41 (Otorhinolaryngology))
  23. Smith, K. R., Hsieh, I.H., Saberi, K. & Hickok, G. (2010). Auditory spatial and object processing in the human planum temporale: No evidence for selectivity. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(4), 632-639. (SCI, IF = 3.953; Ranking: 10/85 (Psychology, Experimental), 97/261 (Neurosciences))
  24. Hsieh, I.H.* & Saberi, K. (2009). Detection of spatial cues in linear and logarithmic FM sweeps. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 71(8), 1876-1889. (SCI, IF =2.157; Ranking: 55/85 (Psychology, Experimental), 53/78 (Psychology))
  25. Hsieh, I.H. & Saberi, K. (2009). Virtual pitch extraction from harmonic structures by absolute pitch musicians. Acoustical Physics, 55(2), 232-239. (SCI, IF = 0.667; Ranking: 23/31 (Acoustics))
  26. Hsieh, I.H. & Saberi, K. (2008b). Language selective interference with long-term memory for musical pitch. Acta Acustica, 94(4), 588-593. (SCI, IF = 1.048; Ranking: 20/31 (Acoustics))
  27. Hsieh, I.H. & Saberi, K. (2008a). Dissociation of procedural and semantic memory in absolute-pitch processing, Hearing Research, 240(1-2), 73-79. (SCI, IF = 3.066; Ranking: 3/25 (Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology), 5/41 (Otorhinolaryngology))
  28. Hsieh, I.H. & Saberi, K. (2007). Temporal integration in absolute identification of musical pitch. Hearing Research, 233(1-2), 108-116. (SCI, IF = 3.066; Ranking: 3/25 (Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology), 5/41 (Otorhinolaryngology))
  29. Petrosyan, A., Hsieh, I.H. & Saberi, K. (2007). Age-dependent stability of sensorimotor functions in the life-extended Drosophila mutant methuselah. Behavior Genetics, 37(4), 585-594. (SCI, IF = 2.73; Ranking: 41/135 (Psychology, Multidisciplinary))



  1. Guo, Y.J. & Hsieh, I.H.* (2024, March). Neural tracking of the fundamental-frequency pitch contour of speech in noisy environments. Poster presented in the Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences (IAFOR2024), Tokyo, Japan.
  2. Guo, Y.J. & Hsieh, I.H.* (2024, January). Neural envelope tracking of speech in noisy environments is modulated by fundamental-frequency pitch contours. Poster presented in the Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2024 Annual Meeting. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  3. Hsieh, I.H.* & Hsiao, Z.H. (2024, January). Absolute-pitch is associated with altered functional connectivity in autism related networks. Poster presented in the Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2024 Annual Meeting. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  4. Guo, Y.J. & Hsieh, I.H.* (2023, August). Effects of Fundamental-Frequency Pitch Contour on Neural Envelope Tracking of Speech in Noisy Environments. Poster presented in the Taiwan Society for Neuroscience 2023 Annual Meeting, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  5. Tseng, H.C. & Hsieh, I.H.* (2023, August). Modulation of neural activation and functional connectivity underlying hearing-in-noise perception by absolute pitch proficiency. Poster presented in the 17th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition Meeting joint with the 7th Asian-Pacific Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music Meeting. Tokyo, Japan.
  6.  Hsieh, I.H.* & Guo, Y.J. (2023, March) Musician effects on the perception of speech with degraded fundamental frequency contours in noisy environments. Poster presented in the Asian Conference on Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Tokyo, Japan. (Virtual)
  7.  Tseng, H.C. & Hsieh, I.H.* (2023, February). Effects of absolute-pitch proficiency on neural activation and functional connectivity underlying hearing-in-noise perception: an fMRI study. Poster presented in the Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2023 Annual Meeting. Taoyuan, Taiwan.
  8. Guo, Y.J. & Hsieh, I.H.* (2022, September). Musical training shapes the processing of degraded speech in noisy environment. Poster presented in the Taiwan Society for Neuroscience 2022 Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Congress, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
  9. Hsieh, I.H.* & Kuo, C.Y. (2022, April). A pitch encoding landmark based on amplitude rates of change. Oral presentation in the Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2022 Annual meeting, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
  10. Tseng, H.C. & Hsieh, I.H.* (2022, March). A domain specific hearing-in-noise performance is associated with absolute pitch proficiency. Poster presented in the Asian Conference on Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Tokyo, Japan. (Virtual presentation due to COVID-19).
  11. Kuo, C.Y. & Hsieh, I.H.* (2021, September). The role of envelope information in pitch perception on high-frequency modulated sounds. Poster presented in the 2021 Joint Symposium on Recent Advances in Neuroscience. Taipei, Taiwan.
  12. Tseng, H.C. & Hsieh, I.H.* (2021, March). Absolute pitch proficiency is associated with enhanced hearing-in-noise performance. Poster presented in the Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2021 Annual Meeting. Taoyuan, Taiwan.
  13. Hsieh, I.H.* & Liu, J.W. (2021, March). Towards a nonlinear approach to musical timbre processing in human listeners. Oral symposium presentation in the Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2021 Annual Meeting. Taoyuan, Taiwan.
  14. Hsieh, I.H. (2021, December). Musicianship, musical pitch proficiency, and hearing in noise performance. Oral symposium presentation in the 7th Taiwanese Music and Audio Computing Workshop, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
  15. Yeh, W.T. & Hsieh, I.H. (2020, September). Interactive effects of timescale and formant frequency on frequency-sweep elicited mismatch negativity: an electroencephalography study. Poster presented in the 1st TSfN Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Congress Meeting, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
  16. Hsieh, I.H., Yeh, W.T. & Liu, J.W. (2020, March). A minimum temporal window for deviance detection of frequency-modulated sweeps: A magnetoencephalography study. Poster presented in the Asian Conference on Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Tokyo, Japan. (Virtual online presentation due to COVID-19)
  17. Hsieh, I.H. & Meng, J.A. (2019, September). Neuroimaging evidence for auditory motion velocity discrimination. Poster presented in the 10th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience Meeting. Daegu, Korea. Supported by MOST106-2410-H-008-039-MY2)
  18. Liu, J. & Hsieh, I.H. (2018, September). A nonlinear approach to musical timbre processing using ensemble empirical mode decomposition. Poster presented in the Neuroscience Society of Taiwan 2018 Annual Meeting. Tainan, Taiwan. (Supported by MOST106-2410-H-008-039-MY2)
  19. Hsieh, I.H. & Liu, J.W. (2018, January). The empirical mode decomposition approach to phantom tone perception. Oral symposium presentation in the Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2018 Annual Meeting. Taichung, Taiwan. (Supported by MOST106-2410-H-008-039-MY2)
  20. Hsieh, I.H. & Chen, S.C. (2017, September). Binaural localization of musical pitch using interaural time differences in congenital amusia. Poster presented in the The 11th International Conference on Cognitive Science, Taipei, Taiwan. (Supported by MOST106-2410-H-008-039-MY2)
  21. Hsieh, I.H. & Liang, Z. (2017, January). Binaural integration time constant in auditory object formation. Poster presented in the Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2017 Annual Meeting. Taoyuan, Taiwan. (Supported by MOST98-2410-H-008-039-MY3)
  22. Hsieh, I.H. & Liu, J. (2016, January).The application of Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT) to processing complex sinusoidal signals. Poster presented in the Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2016 Annual Meeting. Taipei, Taiwan. (Supported by MOST98-2410-H-008-039-MY3)
  23. Hsieh, I.H., Yeh, W.T. & Saberi, K. (2015, March). Influence of linguistic experience on early cortical processing of frequency-modulated glides. Poster presented in the The Fifth Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences. Osaka, Japan. (Supported by MOST98-2410-H-008-039-MY3)
  24. Chen, S.C. & Hsieh, I.H. (2015, January). Binding of musical pitch and audio-spatial memory in congenital amusia. Poster presented in the Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting. Taipei, Taiwan. (Supported by MOST98-2410-H-008-039-MY3)
  25. Hsieh, I.H., Meng, J.A. & Saberi, K. (2014, July). Neural correlates of motion velocity in human auditory cortex. Poster presented in the The 12th International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience. Brisbane, Australia. (Supported by MOST98-2410-H-008-039-MY3)
  26. Saberi, K., Hsieh, I.H., Petrosyan, A., Goncalves, O., Hickok, G. & Farahbod, H. (2013, November). Uncertainty tradeoff between temporal and spectral resolution in a pitch-discrimination task. Poster presented in the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, USA.
  27. Kung, S.J., Wu, D.H., Huang, H.M. & Hsieh, I.H. (2011, September). Detection of frequency-modulated sweep direction by speakers of Mandarin Chinese: an MEG study. Poster presented in the 17th Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology. San-Sebastian, Spain.
  28. Hsieh, I.H. & Saberi, K. (2011, November). Psychophysical weights estimated for interaural cues in envelope slopes of amplitude modulated waveforms. Poster presented in the 162nd National meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Diego, CA, USA.
  29. Okada, K., Fillmore, P., Hsieh, I.H., Serences J.T., Muftuler, L.T., Saberi, K. & Hickok, G. (2011, November). Temporal receptive fields in auditory cortex: An fMRI study using periodic noise. Poster presented in the Neurobiology of Language Conference. Annapolis, MD, USA.
  30. Hsieh, I.H., Fillmore, P., Rong, F., Muftuler, L. T., Hickok, G. & Saberi, K. (2010, November). Neural discrimination of FM sweep direction and duration using pattern classification. Poster presented in the 40th National meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, CA, USA.
  31. Fillmore, P., Hsieh, I.H., Rong, F., Muftuler, L.T., Hickok, G. & Saberi, K. (2010, November).  Discrimination of FM sweep direction and duration using pattern classification. Poster presented in the 2nd Annual Neurobiology of Language Conference, San Diego, CA, USA.
  32. Fillmore, P., Hsieh, I.H., Saberi, K. & Hickok, G. (2010, September). Periodicity tuning in human auditory cortex. Poster presented in the 1st SoCal Hearing Conference. Herklotz Conference Center, Irvine, CA, USA.  
  33. Hsieh, I.H. & Saberi K. (2010, August). Language-selective interference with long-term memory for musical pitch. Paper presented in the 11th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Seattle, Washington USA.
  34. Hsieh, I.H., Fillmore, P., Muftuler, T. L., Hickok, G. & Saberi K. (2010, April). Functional MRI and psychophysical investigations of frequency-modulation selectivity in human auditory cortex. Poster presented in the 17th Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society. Montreal, Canada.
  35. Fillmore, P., Hsieh, I.H., Muftuler, T.L., Saberi, K. & Hickok, G. (2010, April). Mapping periodicity in human auditory cortex using repeated frozen noise. Poster presented in the 17th Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society. Montreal, Canada.
  36. Hsieh, I.H. & Saberi, K. (2008, July). Lateralization of unidirectional frequency sweeps at high frequencies. Poster presented in the 2nd Joint meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and European Acoustics Association. Paris, France.
  37. Hsieh, I.H. & Saberi, K. (2007, November). Auditory localization of linear and logarithmic frequency-modulated (FM) sweeps. Poster presented in the 37th National meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, CA, USA.
  38. Saberi, K. & Hsieh, I.H. (2007, November). Temporal integration in absolute pitch identification. Poster presented in the 37th National meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, CA, USA.
  39. Saberi, K. & Hsieh, I.H. (2007, November). Lateralization of linear and logarithmic FM sweeps at high frequencies. Poster presented in the 154th National meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. New Orleans, LA, USA.
  40. Saberi, K., Smith, K., Hsieh, I.H., Isenberg, L. & Hickok, G. (2007, November). Neuroimaging correlates of motion and multi-source spatial cues in noise and speech. Poster presented in the 154th National meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. New Orleans, LA, USA.
  41. Hsieh, I.H. & Saberi, K. (2007, May). Functional MRI and psychophysical studies of musical pitch processing by absolute-pitch musicians. Poster presented in the 14th Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society. New York, NY, USA.
  42. Hsieh, I.H. & Saberi, K. (2006, November). Perception and production of virtual pitch by absolute-pitch musicians. Poster presented in the 4th Joint International meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and Japan. Honolulu, HawaiI.H.
  43. Hsieh, I.H. & Saberi, K. (2006, November). Sensorimotor feedback and cognitive interference in absolute pitch production and perception. Poster presented in the 36th National meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. Atlanta, GA, USA.  

獲獎 Awards and Honors

2024 112學年度生醫理工學院院教學優良獎》
2024 112學年度研究傑出獎》
2023年 《112學年度優良論文貢獻獎
2023年 《112學年度研究傑出獎》
2021年 《110學年度通識與共同必修教學優良教師獎》
2021年 《110學年度研究傑出獎》
2020年 《109學年度生醫理工學院院教學優良獎》
2019年 《108學年度研究傑出獎》

2017年 《106學年度生醫理工學院院教學優良獎》


碩士班學生 Master Students

博士班學生 PhD Students
郭昭吟 KUO, CHAO-YIN (共同指導)

大學部專題生 Undergraduate student research