Full-time Professors:::

Shih-kuen Cheng

Shih-kuen Cheng


Office: Room S5-603, Science Building 5
Tel: (03) 4227151 # 65208
Fax: (03) 4263502
Website 》


PhD Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, UK
MSc Cognitive Psychology, National Chung-Cheng University, Taiwan
BSc Psychology, National Cheng-Chi University, Taiwan


國立陽明大學神經科學研究所博士後研究 (200311 20048月
Postdoctoral Researcher, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan


Human Learning and Memory, Memory and Emotion, EEG/MEG


  • 情節記憶的形成與提取的認知歷程與神經機制
    The cognitive neural mechanisms of episodic memory encoding and retrieval
  • 對於情緒記憶的提取導向以及動機性遺忘
    The retrieval orientation and motivational forgetting of emotional memories
  • 記憶提取對於學習的影響:測驗效果以及測驗促發學習效果
    Testing effect and test-potentiated learning
  • 記憶與自我
    Memory and Self
  • 動機性遺忘與情緒記憶
    Motivated forgetting and emotional memory
  • 記憶扭曲
    Memory Distortion
  • 記憶訓練
    Memory Training


期刊論文(Journal Articles)

  1. Loo, M. R. & Cheng, S.-k* (2022) Dream lucidity positively correlates with reality monitoring. Consciousness and Cognition, 105, 103414
  2. Lee, H.-J., Cheng, S.-k., Lee, C.-Y., & Kuo, W.-J. (2021). The neural basis of compound word processing revealed by varying semantic transparency and morphemic neighborhood size. Brain and Language, 221:104985. (SCI)
  3. Liu, T.-L., Lin, S.-T., & Cheng, S.-k.* (2021). Retrieval orientation for memories encoded in emotional contexts: An ERP Study. Brain and Cognition, 152:105769. (SCI, corresponding author)
  4. Yeh, Y.-Y., Wang, C.-C., Cheng, S.-k., & Chiu, C.-D. (2021). Dissociation of posture remapping and cognitive load in level two perspective-taking. Cognition, 214:104733. (SCI)
  5. Loo, M.-R. & Cheng, S.-k.* (2021). Dream lucidity and the Attentional Network Task. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:586808. (SCI, corresponding author).
  6. Bulut, T., Cheng, S.-k., X, K.-Y, Hung, D. L., & Wu, D. H. (2018). Is there a processing preference for object relative clauses in Chinese? Evidence from ERPs. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 995. (SCI)
  7. Liu, T.-L., Chen,N.-F., Cheng, S.-k.* (2017). Selective rehearsal is affected by the emotionality of the encoding context in item-method directed forgetting: An event-related brain potential study. Biological Psychology, 123, 15-24.
  8. Chen, N.-F., Lo, C.-M., J& Cheng, S.-k*. (2016) Source Memory Performance is modulated by Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation over the Left Posterior Parietal Cortex, NeuroImage, 139(2016), 462-469.
  9. Liu, T.-L., Han, Y.-J., & Cheng, S.-k.* (2015). An ERP study of the dissociation between recollection- and familiarity-related prestimulus encoding activities.Chinese Journal of Psychology, 57(4), 1-14.
  10. Chen, N.-F., Juan, C.-H., Muggleton, N., & Cheng, S.-k. (2015). Recognition Memory Performance is modulated by Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation over the Left Posterior Parietal Cortex. Journal of Neuroscience and Neuroengineering, 3, 92-100.
  11. Ko, Y.-T., Cheng, S.-k., & Juan, C.-H. (2015). Voluntarily generated unimanual preparation is associated with stopping success: evidence from LRP and lateralized mu ERD before the stop signal. Psychological Research, 79, 249-258.
  12. Han, Y.-J, Huang, S.-c, Lee, C.-Y., & Cheng, S.-k.* (2014). The modulation of semantic transparency on recognition memory for Chinese two-character words. Memory & Cognition, 42, 1315-1324.
  13. Tzeng, O. J.-L.*, Lee, C.-Y., Lee, J. R., Wu, D. H., Juan, C.-H., Cheng, S.-k., Lee, R. R. W., Huang, C.-M., Kuo, W.-J., Chang, E.C., & Hung, D. L. (2013). Cognitive Neuroscience in the 21st Century: A Selective Review of Prominent Research Topics and Applications. Journal of Neuroscience and Neuroengineering, 2, 364-381.
  14. Liang, W.-K., Lo, M.-T., Yang, A. C., Peng, C.-K.; Cheng, S.-k., Tzeng, P., Juan, C.-H.* (Apr. 2014). Revealing the brain’s adaptability and the transcranial direct current stimulation facilitating effect in inhibitory control by multiscale entropy. Neuroimage, 90, 218–234. (SCI)
  15. Hsu, T-Y., Tseng, P., Liang, W.-K., Cheng, S.-k., & Juan, C.-H.* (Sep. 2014). Transcranial direct current stimulation over right posterior parietal cortex change prestimulus alpha oscillation in visual short-term memory task. Neuroimage, 98, 306-313.
  16. Ko, Y.-T., Cheng, S.-k., & Juan, C.-H. (2015). Voluntarily generated unimanual preparation is associated with stopping success: evidence from LRP and lateralized mu ERD before the stop signal. Psychological Research, 79, 249-258.
  17. Chen, N.-F., Juan, C.-H., Muggleton, N., & Cheng, S.-k. (2015). Recognition Memory Performance is modulated by Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation over the Left Posterior Parietal Cortex. Journal of Neuroscience and Neuroengineering, in press.
  18. Liu, T.-L., Han, Y.-J., & Cheng, S.-k.* (2015). An ERP study of the dissociation between recollection- and familiarity-related prestimulus encoding activities. Chinese Journal of Psychology, in press.
  19. Chen, N.-F., Lo, C.-M., Juan, C.-H., Muggleton, N., & Cheng, S.-k. (under review) Source Memory Performance is modulated by Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation over the Left Posterior Parietal Cortex
  20. Han, Y.-J, Huang, S.-c, Lee, C.-Y., & Cheng, S.-k.* (Nov. 2014). The modulation of semantic transparency on recognition memory for Chinese two-character words. Memory & Cognition, in press. (SSCI, corresponding author)
  21. Kuo, Y.-C., Lee, C.-Y., Chen. M.-C., Liu, T.-L., & Cheng, S.-k.* (2014). The impact of spectral resolution on the mismatch response to Mandarin Chinese tones: An ERP study of cochlear implant simulations. Clinical Neurophysiology, 125, 1568-1575. (SCI, corresponding author)
  22. Lin, W.-J., Kuo, Y.-C., Liu, T.-L., Y.-J. Han, & Cheng, S.-k.* (2013). Intentional forgetting reduces the semantic processing of to-be-forgotten items: An ERP study of item-method directed forgetting. Psychophysiology, 50,1120-1132. (corresponding author , SCI, IF=3.26, 13/83 in Experimental Psychology)
  23. Lo, Y.-H., Liang, W.-K., Lee, H.-W., Wang, C.-H., Tzeng, O.J.-L., Hung, D. L., Cheng, S.-k, & Juan, C.-H. (2013). The Neural Development of Response Inhibition in 5- and 6-Year-Old Preschoolers: An ERP and EEG Study. Developmental Neuropsychology, 38(5), 301–316.
  24. Tseng, P., Hsu, T.-Y., Chang, C.-F., Tzeng, O.J.L., Muggleton, N. G., Walsh, V., Liang, W.-K., Cheng, S.-k., & Juan, C.-H.* (2012). Unleashing potential: Transcranial direct current stimulation over the right posterior parietal cortex improves change detection in low-performing individuals. Journal of Neuroscience, 32, 10554-10561.
  25. Cheng, S.-K.*, Liu, I.-C., Lee, J. R., Hung, D. L., & Tzeng, O. J.-L. (2012). Intentional forgetting might be more effortful than remembering: An ERP study of item-method directed forgetting. Biological Psychology 89, 283-292. (corresponding author, SCI, IF=4.337, 7/71 in Psychology; 5/49 in Behavioral Sciences)
  26. Wang, M.-Y.*, Kuo, B.-C., & Cheng, S. –K. (2011). Chinese characters elicit face-like N170 inversion effects. Brain and Cognition 77, 419-431.
  27. Lin, M. S., Wang, C.-Y*, Cheng, S.-K., Cheng, S.-H. (2011). An event-related potential study of semantic style-match judgments of artistic furniture. International Journal of Psychophysiology 82, 188-195.
  28. Hsu, T. Y., Cheng, S.-K., Tseng, P., Tzeng, O. J.-L., Hung, D. L., & Juan, C. H*. (2010). The perseverance of numerical distance effect in attentional blink. Perception 39, 1526-1540.
  29. Cheng, S.-K*. & Rugg, M. D. (2010). Event-related potential correlates of gist and verbatim encoding. International Journal of Psychophysiology 77, 95-105. (corresponding author, SCI, IF=3.314).
  30. Chen, Y., Lee, J.R., Kuo, W.-J., Hung, D. L., & Cheng, S.-K*. (2010). An ERP study of Chinese speakers’ rhyme judgment to Chinese and English words. Neuroreport 21, 636-640. (corresponding author, SCI, IF=1.805).
  31. Hsieh, L.-T., Hung, D.L., Hung, O.J.-L. Tzeng, Lee, J.R., & Cheng, S.-K*, (2009). An event-related potential investigation of the processing of Remember/Forget cues and item encoding in item-method directed forgetting. Brain Research, 1250, 190-201. (corresponding author, SCI, IF=2.551) (NSC 96-2413-H-008-002)
  32. Cheng, S.-K. (2005). Remembering past event: A review of event-related potential studies of episodic memory. Research in Applied Psychology, 28, 75-90. (corresponding author)
  33. Cheng, S.-K*. & Rugg, M.D. (2005). An event-related potential study of two kinds of source judgment errors. Cognitive Brain Research, 22, 113-127. (corresponding author , SCI, IF=3.77)


  1. Moo-Rung Loo, Shih-kuen CHeng.(2018).The degree of lucidity experienced in dreaming could reflect the capacity of conflict resolution in cognitive control.  
  2. SinYIi Wang, Shih-kuen Cheng.(2018).The conflicting outcomes of the organizational processing on test-potentiated learning.
  3. Shih-kuen Cheng & Sze-Ti Lin.(2016).An ERP Study of the Retrieval Orientation of Neutral Pictures Embedded in Emotional Contexts
  4. Shih-kuen Cheng, Tsui-San Chang, Hsin-Ying Tsai(2016).The Feedback of Good Rankings in an Exam diminishes the Testing Effect.
  5. Liu, T.-L. & Cheng, S. -K(2015).The emotional context modulates the processing of the mnemonic instructions in intentional forgetting: An ERP study
  6. Chen, N.-F. & Cheng, S. K.(2015).Using tDCS/cTBS to investigate the involvement of left posterior parietal coetex in episodic memory retrieval
  7. Shih-kuen Cheng & Tsui-San Chang. (2014). The Pressure from Peer Comparison May Enhance the Testing Effect but it Lasts Shortly. 2014 Annual Meeting of Psychnomic Society. California, USA.
  8. Nai-Feng Chen, Chi-Hung Juan, & Shih-kuen Cheng. (2014). Post-retrieval monitoring in episodic memory is modulated by transcranial direct current stimulation over the left posterior parietal cortex. 2014 Annual Meeting of Cognitive Neuroscience Society. Boston, USA.
  9. Tzu-Ling Liu, Yi-Jhong Han, and Shih-kuen Cheng. (2014). An ERP study of the dissociation between recollection- and familiarity-related prestimulus encoding activities. 2014 Annual Meeting of Cognitive Neuroscience Society. Boston, USA.
  10. Chien-Ming Lo, Nai-Feng Chen, Neil Muggleton, Chi-Hung Juan, Shih-kuen Cheng. (2013). Episodic memory retrieval is modulated by transcranial direct-current stimulation over the left posterior parietal cortex. 2013 Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, USA.
  11. Chen, N.F., Juan, C. -H, Hung, D.- L., & Tzeng, O.J.-L., Cheng, S.-K., (2012). Recognition memory performances is affected by transcranial direct current stimulations over the left posterior parietal cortex. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2012 Annual Meeting, San Francisco. USA.
  12. Cheng, S.-K., Lin, W.-J., Liu, I.-C., Hung, D. L., & Tzeng, O.J.-L., (2011). Forgetting could be more effortful than remembering: Behavioral and ERP studies of item-method directed forgetting. European Society of Cognitive Psychology 2011 Annual Meeting, San Sebastian, Spain
  13. Kuo, Y-C. & Cheng, S.-K. (2011). The assessment of auditory memory for Mandarin Chinese tones of different spectral resolutions: Implications for cochlear implants The 5th International Conference on Memory, York, UK.
  14. Cheng, S.-K., Lin, W.-J., Liu, I.-C., Hung, D. L., & Tzeng, O.J.-L., (2011). Inhibition and item-method directed forgetting: Behavioral and ERP studies. The 5th International Conference on Memory, York, UK.
  15. Cheng, S.-K., Chen, N.F., Juan, C. -H, Hung, D.- L., & Tzeng, O.J.-L. (2011). Anodal Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) of the left posterior parietal cortex enhances verbal recognition memory performance. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2011 Annual Meeting, San Francisco. USA.
  16. Liu, T.-L., Hung, D. L., Tzeng, O. J. –L. & Cheng, S. –K. (2011). The modulation of emotional context on the item-method directed forgetting effect: An ERP study. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2011 Annual Meeting, San Francisco. USA
  17. Cheng, S.-K., Liu, I-.C., Hung, D. L., Tzeng, O. J. –L., & Lee, J. R. (2010). To intentionally forget an item is more effortful than to remember it: an ERP study of item-method directed forgetting. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2010 Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
  18. Kuo, Y-C. & Cheng, S.-K. (2010). An ERP study of the perception of Mandarin tones with temporal cues: Implications for cochlear implants. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2010 Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
  19. Han, Y-J., Cheng, S.-K., Tzeng, O. J. –L., & Hung, D. L. (2010). An ERP study of the modulation of encoding tasks on the mirror effect induced by the semantic transparency of Chinese two-character words. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2010 Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
  20. Han, Y-J., Cheng, S.-K., Tzeng, O. J. –L., & Hung, D. L. (2009). An ERP study of the modulation of encoding tasks on the mirror effect induced by the semantic transparency of Chinese two-character words. Taiwanese Psychological Association 2010 Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan.
  21. Huang, S.-C., Cheng, S.-K., Hung, D. L., & Tzeng, O.J.-L. (2009). The opaque recollection: An ERP study of the role of semantic transparency in the recognition memory of Chinese two-character compound words. Taiwanese Psychological Association 2010 Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan.
  22. Cheng, S.-K., Huang, S.-C., Hung, D. L., & Tzeng, O.J.-L. (2009). The opaque recollection: An ERP study of the role of semantic transparency in the recognition memory of Chinese two-character compound words. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2009 Annual Meeting, San Francisco. USA.
  23. Hsieh, L.-T., Hung, D. L., Tzeng, O. J. –L., Cheng, S.-K. (2009). The recollection of to-be-remembered and to-be-forgotten items in item-method directed forgetting. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2009 Annual Meeting, San Francisco. USA.
  24. Cheng, S.-K., Cheng, Y., Hung, D. L., & Tzeng, O.J.-L. (2008). Remembering the gender but not the identity of the speakers: MEG and ERP studies of partial source information. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2008 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA.
  25. Cheng, S.-K., Cheng, Y., Hung, D. L., & Tzeng, O.J.-L. (2007). Dissociating Familiarity Derived from Context and Item Repetition: An ERP Study. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2007 Annual Meeting, New York, USA.
  26. Lee, S.-C., Cheng, S.-K., Hung, D. L., & Tzeng, O.J.-L. (2007). The control of recollection in directed forgetting: An ERP Study. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2007 Annual Meeting, New York, USA.
  27. Lee, S.-C., Cheng, S.-K., Hung, D. L., & Tzeng, O.J.-L. (2007). The control of recollection in directed forgetting: An ERP Study. Taiwanese Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan.
  28. Hsieh, L.-T., Hung, D. L., Tzeng, O.J.-L., & Cheng, S.-K., (2006). The Subsequent Memory Effect of Directed Forgetting. Taiwanese Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan.
  29. Cheng, S.-K., Cheng, Y., Lee, J.R., Hung, D. L., & Tzeng, O.J.-L. (2006). Remembering the Gender but not the Identity of Speakers: An MEG Study of Partial Source Information. Human Brain Meeting 2006, Florence, Italy.
  30. Cheng, S.-K., Cheng, Y., Hung, D. L., & Tzeng, O.J.-L. (2006). Remembering the Gender but not the Identity of Speakers: An Event-Related Potential (ERP) Study of Partial Source Information. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2006 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA.
  31. Hsieh, L.-T., Hung, D. L., Tzeng, O.J.-L., & Cheng, S.-K., (2006). The Subsequent Memory Effect of Directed Forgetting. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2006 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA.
  32. Cheng, S.-K., Tsai, C.-C., Lee, J. R., Hung, D. L., & Tzeng, O.J.-L. (2005). Comparing Numbers in Arabic Digits, Complex/Simple Chinese Numerals, and Dot Arrays: An Event-Related Potential (ERP) Study. The 12th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, USA.
  33. Cheng, S.-K. & Rugg, M. D. (2003). Predicting subsequent memory errors with event-related potentials (ERPs). The 10th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, USA.
  34. Cheng, S.-K. & Rugg, M. D. (2002). The role of semantic association in memory conjunction errors: An event-related potential study. The 9th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, USA.
  35. Cheng, S.-K. & Rugg, M. D. (2001). Remembering wrongly conjoined items: An event-related potential study for memory conjunction errors. The 8th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, USA.
  36. Cheng, S.-K. & Shyi, G. C.-W. (1995). The role of attention in object recognition. Chinese Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan.


2018年 《學術研究傑出獎》
2014年 《國立中央大學研究傑出獎》


碩士班學生 Master Students
王永安 Yungan Wang (與段正仁教授共同指導)
慕蓉喬 Noncedo Cebiso
吳彥妮 Yan Ni Wu
陳彥如 Yan Ru Chen

博士班學生 PhD Students
盧慕蓉 Moo-Rung Loo
王立琦 Li-Chih Wang

研究助理 Research Assistants
林郁雯 Yu-Wen Lin
葉嘉智 Jia-Zi Yeh